04 October 2023 | 17PM

Once again, JePPIX has joined forces with ePIXfab to organize the 14th edition of the European Photonic Integration Forum (EPIF).

This year’s event focuses on enabling the scale-up of SiPh and InP PIC technology and will be moderated by Kevin Williams (JePPIX) and Wim Bogaerts (ePIXfab).

11 September 2023 | 10AM

This second ICOS event will be dedicated to reviewing the main EU and non-EU semiconductor ecosystems, as well as the main EU and International activities and most promising technologies in the field of Advanced Computing and Functionalities. We will discuss Advanced computation, Smart Sensors and Smart energy, Energy Harvesting and Semiconductor-based photonics with leading experts.

These reviews will highlight the strengths of the main leading Institutions in each country (Universities, RTO, Industries) in each technological area, and will be carried out on the basis of the expertise of ICOS partners and knowledge in this field, on the input of the Roadmap teams for these research activities, on publications and possibly using other supports.

07-09 July 2023 | 08AM

The Asia-Europe Silicon Photonics Symposium and Course bring industrial and academic technology leaders from the leading ecosystems in the world to bring a full spectrum of perspectives about silicon photonics technology and its applications.

The symposium will focus on the potential of silicon photonics in various application domains. The course will focus on a deeper understanding of the technological and device concepts and the scientific state of the art in this field.

02-06 July 2023 | 09AM

Geared towards industrial and academic participants, ePIXfab silicon photonics schools go all the way from fundamentals to the latest developments in the science and technology of silicon PIC design, fabrication, assembly and testing for ever-growing applications of silicon photonics.

07-09 May 2023 | 09AM

This 3-day training course provides industry, especially those involved in PIC-based product development, with the basic technical skills in ideating, designing, fabricating, and testing SiPh PICs. The course covers various forms of SiPh such as thin SOI, thick SOI, LPCVD SiN, PECVD SiN, and Ge- on-Si along with the deployment of these technologies into application domains such as communications, medical, sensors, quantum, environmental, computing, etc.

26-28 April 2023 | 07AM

The very first ICOS Workshop will be held on April 26th to 28th in Grenoble to gather an overview of the strategies of different leading countries in the field of semiconductors, of European and International roadmaps, and conduct an initial analysis of the gaps between EU activities and the most promising technologies highlighted in Roadmaps for possible future international collaborations – collaborations to be strengthened or to be proposed on topics of mutual interests.

19-21 April 2023 | 11AM

Given the fact that many players in the integrated photonics industry struggle to fill up vacancies and that many of the ECIO attendees are PhD-students, the exhibition session and panel discussion will focus on career development: what opportunities are there for graduates moving to industry?; what does a career in photonics entail? The event will be moderated by Roel Baets (ePIXfab) and Kevin Williams (JePPIX).

22-21 March 2023 | 08AM

ePIXfab, in collaboration with LioniX International, is organizing the 4th edition of an intensive short Silicon Nitride Integrated Photonics course.

This is a two-half-day course, which will take place on 20-21 March 2023. The course will take place in a hybrid mode where you can join either onsite at Upark hotel (De Veldmaat 8, 7522 NM Enschede, the Netherlands) or online via Zoom.

08 March 2023 | 17PM

Prominent industrial speakers discussing challenges and perspectives for the heterogeneous (or hybrid) silicon photonics platforms for next-gen datacoms and new applications