18 September 2017 | 12PM

This forum provides an opportunity for end users (both academic and industrial) to get in direct contact with the major European players of the photonics integration ecosystem.

19-23 June 2017 | 14PM

Ghent University in collaboration with ePIXfab is offering a specialized course on silicon photonics. This unique course provides an opportunity to the participants to design, fabricate and test their idea by prototyping their own silicon photonics chip. This “all-in-one course” takes the participants through the complete silicon photonics design flow in a step-by-step way.

The course has two parts. In the first part, the participants learn about the silicon photonics design flow. They use this knowledge to conceive a design idea and transform it into a design rule compliant layout, which is afterward fabricated by Australian Silicon Photonics. In the second part, the participants get an opportunity to characterize their design by using the measurement facilities of photonics research group at Ghent University.


26-01 April 2017 | 11AM

This school aims at introducing students and post-docs with an optics background to the concepts of integrated quantum photonics. We will start from the general concepts of quantum optics, quantum information, quantum simulation and computing and we will move to the main building blocks of an integrated photonic quantum circuits (single photon sources, entangled photon sources, single photon detectors,  linear optical devices, quantum interference devices, and materials and processing to manufacture integrated quantum devices). Then we will discuss integrated quantum circuits and their applications in security, communication, computing, sensing-measurements and quantum key distribution. The lectures will be presented by the main scientists who have pioneered this photonic technology.

In addition to standard classes, laboratory sessions will be organized to facilitate the development of a proper design of integrated circuits on the student request. Rump evening sessions on hot topics in the field will be organized to facilitate discussions among students and lecturers. Since this is a residential school, both the students and the lecturers will reside in the same place which will make easy discussions in an informal venue or on the ski fields.

20-24 February 2017 | 11AM

Photonics enable low footprint, high bandwidth, and energy-efficient devices, systems, and integrated circuits (ICs). This is driving the expansion of photonic technologies in a broad range of industries and technologies, including high-performance computing (HPC) and data centers, consumer wearables, automotive, sensing, AI, and quantum information science. Synopsys is accelerating the adoption of photonic IC technologies with a seamless, unified design platform to help IC designers and photonic engineers innovate and succeed in a wide range of silicon photonic and fiber-optic applications. With Synopsys solutions, design teams have access to industry-leading electronic and photonic design software to achieve greater productivity, accuracy, and faster time to market. Our design automation tools include Synopsys OptoCompiler, Synopsys OptSim, Synopsys Photonic Device Compiler and the RSoft Photonic Device Tools.