Photonics enable low footprint, high bandwidth, and energy-efficient devices, systems, and integrated circuits (ICs). This is driving the expansion of photonic technologies in a broad range of industries and technologies, including high-performance computing (HPC) and data centers, consumer wearables, automotive, sensing, AI, and quantum information science. Synopsys is accelerating the adoption of photonic IC technologies with a seamless, unified design platform to help IC designers and photonic engineers innovate and succeed in a wide range of silicon photonic and fiber-optic applications. With Synopsys solutions, design teams have access to industry-leading electronic and photonic design software to achieve greater productivity, accuracy, and faster time to market. Our design automation tools include Synopsys OptoCompiler, Synopsys OptSim, Synopsys Photonic Device Compiler and the RSoft Photonic Device Tools.

Practical information

Photonic Integrated Circuits

Synopsys OptoCompiler is the industry’s first unified electronic and photonics design platform for fast, flexible photonic IC design

Photonic Systems

Synopsys OptSim provides comprehensive simulations of photonic ICs and optical communication systems

Photonic Devices

RSoft Photonic Device Tools provide the industry's widest portfolio of simulators for passive and active nanoscale devices

more information

Practical information


20-24 February
11AM - 11AM


 Conference-hotel Drienerburght, Enschede